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General Information
PO Box 711
Alpena, Michigan 49707
Office Phone: 855-942-2957
Office Phone: 989-354-2250
Fax: 989-354-5325
Office: 8am-5pm M-F
Receiving: 8am-4:30pm M-F
Photo Gallery
To see more of the Autotek-Systems products please visit our Photo & Video Gallery.
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Autotek-Systems designs and builds automatic nut and stud feeders and other weld related products. Our patented gripper cylinders put fasteners on the work piece, not on the floor. Understanding your process is how we make it better.
Recent News
Autotek-Systems Tube Forming Bend Fixtures
Autotek-Systems now offers Tube Forming Bend Fixtures in our product line!
We have recently hired new staff members who have extensive experience in designing and fabricating bend fixtures (AKA bend cavities), and as such, we are now able to offer the full array of services within that product industry. We have also purchased a modern CNC tube bender which allows us to fabricate the bend fixtures completely in-house.
Also, to best feature our new product line, our website will soon undergo an update in both content and branding.
In the meantime, you can inquire about our bend fixture line by emailing us at
Autotek-Systems Retrofits
Autotek-Systems asks: Are you interested in saving money by retrofitting or retooling your Dengensha, Yajima, MTS, Fabtek, or other industrial nut feeder or stud feeder?
At Autotek-Systems we have the experience and expertise to refurbish and retool your existing vibratory bowl feeder and escapement to integrate with our patented Gripper cylinder for an existing fastener or an entirely new fastener. We will modify the escapement and, if necessary, replace everything from the bowl discharge to the weld pin. That means a new track/chute, feed cylinder, nut nest made of A2 hardened tool steel, exit doors, stainless steel gripper, and actuating valve, sized for improved performance.
All this comes with a new warranty on all new components for a FRACTION of the cost for a new system.